Privacy Policy

Central Cyber Security (CCS) understands the importance of protecting relationships and information, and therefore, privacy is taken seriously. Central Cyber Security (CCS) is committed to protecting privacy and earning the trust of its clients and respects their right to keep personal information confidential and to avoid unwanted solicitations. Therefore Central Cyber Security (CCS) believes it is important to understand how we use the information provided to us through the normal course of business. This privacy policy discloses the details of what information we collect as well as how we use that information. We may revise this privacy policy from time-to-time by updating the information posted on this web site. Amendments to the privacy policy will be effective when posted. You should therefore periodically visit this page to review the current privacy policy, so that you are aware of any such revisions.

Information Collection

Central Cyber Security (CCS) collects and stores information about people in order to quote and service its transactions, advisory services and programs. This information allows us to better manage information and administer relationships. Some of the information is called “Nonpublic Personal Information,” which generally means information that is provided by an individual, corporation or agency, obtained by Central Cyber Security (CCS), or that results from Central Cyber Security (CCS) transactions. It does not include information available to the general public. The type of information that Central Cyber Security (CCS) collects varies according to the transactions or services requested and may include:

General Information

Central Cyber Security (CCS) may receive this type of information from inquiries or other forms, by phone and online. Initiating any process constitutes consent for Central Cyber Security (CCS) to use the information as described in this policy. This information includes, but is not limited to: Name, address, and telephone number, e-mail address, date of birth, and gender; The specific nature of the issue, posting or content that needs to addressed. This information, and related questions, helps us screen and evaluate your request, and provides you with a proposal or allows us to initiate advisory services; Bank account information to allow for the electronic transfer funds or other form of payment.

Transaction Information

If you are a Central Cyber Security (CCS) client who subscribes to any of its services, then Central Cyber Security (CCS) may collect and store additional information about you and/or your company. Such information is generated through transactions with Central Cyber Security (CCS), its affiliates, marketing organizations, third party service providers, or others. This information includes, but is not limited to: Personal information to be used as content for services; Information you provide to Central Cyber Security (CCS) to establish one or more individual or business relationships, contact, or billing information provided through online or paper forms; Information created and maintained by Central Cyber Security (CCS) for its clients in order to maintain services and provide superior client service. Examples include account status, choice of services, and reports; Information related to a transaction that is saved within applications or forms maintained by Central Cyber Security (CCS). This information is stored within the Central Cyber Security (CCS) databases in order to provide the requested services: Non-personally identifying statistical Information about a visit to the web site(s), including Central Cyber Security (CCS).com. This information is compiled to allow Central Cyber Security (CCS) to improve its web site design and to determine the relative importance of its services. The information collected in this manner includes: Date and time content was accessed; The referring website visited before the Central Cyber Security (CCS) web site; The domain name and IP (Internet protocol) address from which the Central Cyber Security (CCS) site was accessed; The operating system and web browser used to access content; The specific pages viewed during a visit; and City, state, and country of the visitor’s Internet Service Provider (ISP) (if available) for demographic purposes. Use of Cookies – From time-to-time, Central Cyber Security (CCS) may use “cookies” within its web site pages. Cookies are small pieces of information about a visit stored on a computer’s hard disk. Cookies are commonly used to store information about a last visit, such as selections made while navigating the web site, non-personal technical information listed above, or browsing patterns. Most Internet browsers now support cookies. Many of them allow users to disable cookies. However, cookies are often required to provide features within many web sites. Examples of Central Cyber Security (CCS)’s use of cookies includes saving information that will allow the Central Cyber Security (CCS) Contact Information Form to pre-fill name, phone number, and e-mail address based on a previously submitted request. Information provided to Central Cyber Security (CCS) through its web site via online forms and applications, such as services request forms, applications, or web site messages to Central Cyber Security (CCS). For instance, one web site message form collects an interested party’s first and last name, address, e-mail, and phone number. This information may be used to initiate advisory services or consultation.

Information Use within the Central Cyber Security (CCS) website

Central Cyber Security (CCS) uses the information collected for the following purposes:

  • To improve services – Central Cyber Security (CCS) analyzes some of the information collected in order to improve services. Studying how visitors use the web site and its services provides valuable insight into how Central Cyber Security (CCS) can make them more useful and easier to use.
  • Providing superior support, administration, reporting, client service and maintaining relationships – the information collected allows Central Cyber Security (CCS) to respond to needs more quickly.
  • To provide information about new or enhanced services – by understanding how services are utilized, Central Cyber Security (CCS) can offer the opportunity to review other services that may be of value.
  • To send marketing material related to new Central Cyber Security (CCS) services as they become available. Note that the ability to opt out of this is provided as outlined below.

Sharing Information with Others

First and foremost, Central Cyber Security (CCS) NEVER sells lists or Nonpublic Personal Information to third parties; however, such information may be disclosed to others as permitted by law. Generally, this includes disclosures to third parties that are necessary to affect, administer or service a transaction with Central Cyber Security (CCS), or in connection with servicing a client. These third parties may include, but are not limited to, researchers, programmers, copywriters and SEO professionals. Central Cyber Security (CCS) will not disclose information obtained from consumer reporting agencies without the client’s consent. Central Cyber Security (CCS) may also disclose information to people and companies that perform support services with which we may have joint agreements. The purpose of this is to inform the client of other products or services jointly offered, endorsed, or sponsored by Central Cyber Security (CCS), and that Central Cyber Security (CCS) believes the client may find useful. Central Cyber Security (CCS) is highly selective in choosing these companies, and restricts the information provided to only what they need to offer and administer these services. Central Cyber Security (CCS) also requires them to comply with strict standards of security and confidentiality, and they are not permitted to release, use, or transfer any client information to any other party for their own purposes. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Central Cyber Security (CCS) may disclose and/or transfer client information (i) in connection with any merger, sale, or liquidation of all or part of the company; (ii) if disclosure is required pursuant to a request for specific client information to comply with a subpoena, court order, and/or other legal instrument, legal proceeding or relevant law, or (iii) if there is an immediate, imminent threat to the safety of any person, Central Cyber Security (CCS) or its web site.

Information Confidentiality and Security

Central Cyber Security (CCS) is committed to preventing others from unauthorized access to Nonpublic Personal Information, and maintains procedures and technology designed for this purpose. Central Cyber Security (CCS) takes several steps to protect Nonpublic Personal Information including the following: Central Cyber Security (CCS) updates and tests its technology on a regular basis in order to improve the protection of client information. Central Cyber Security (CCS) requires outside companies and independent contractors to whom we provide Nonpublic Personal Information for marketing, servicing, or processing purposes to enter into a Confidentiality Agreement that restricts the use of the information to those purposes and prohibits independent use of the information. Central Cyber Security (CCS) has internal procedures that limit access to Nonpublic Personal Information, such as procedures that require an employee to have a business need to access such information. Central Cyber Security (CCS) may maintain policies and conduct employee training about the proper physical security of workplaces and records. Employees are required to comply with Client Information privacy principles, policies and procedures, or be subject to disciplinary action, including termination. Central Cyber Security (CCS) makes use of hardware and/or software firewalls to protect Nonpublic Personal Information from unauthorized access.

Information Integrity Measures

Central Cyber Security (CCS) also strives to protect the integrity of its clients Nonpublic Personal Information, and other client-related information, through use of the following: Maintaining regular backups of client data in case of data loss or corruption; The use of uninterruptible power supplies (UPS) to prevent data loss during power spikes and power outages; and The use of virus detection and elimination software to prevent corruption of client data by viruses. Despite these measures, however, Central Cyber Security (CCS) cannot guarantee that Nonpublic Personal Information will be completely free from unauthorized access. Client Opt Out, Update Personal Information, and Privacy Questions Clients may opt out of receiving notices of new or upgraded services from Central Cyber Security (CCS) and its partners by sending an opt out request to In your request, please include your name services (if any) provided through Central Cyber Security (CCS), your contact information, and the nature of your opt out request. Clients may not opt out, however, of receiving information from Central Cyber Security (CCS) that is essential for maintaining or updating accounts or system information. In addition, opt out does not include updates that may be presented within other Central Cyber Security (CCS) online services. Clients may review their personal information or communication provided to them in regards to their relationship with Central Cyber Security (CCS). Presently, there is no online database that connects to the Central Cyber Security (CCS).com website that allows for online review. To verify and/or change personal information please contact Central Cyber Security (CCS) through any of the following: Central Cyber Security (CCS) If you have additional questions related to the privacy of your information or privacy practices, please contact Central Cyber Security (CCS) online or through the above contact information